Wake Compete Win Repeat
So funny, or ironic actually. A couple of days after the inspirational message by my daughter's principal that I previously blogged about, I attended the High School Athletic Awards for My oldest son's High School. Interestingly, similar to the previous principal's speech, this principal got up to speak and spoke about her great love of competition and how being an athlete her entire life has given her a never quit attitude. At first I thought she was going to go the same way as the elementary school principal...but no she didn't...but...she had a totally different audience. She was sitting in an auditorium full of competitors who were at this awards night because they excelled both on and off the field. Her basic message was that as athletes from a very young age we discover that we like to WIN! We push our selves to win and don't accept failures. It was exactly the right message for this group, who are getting ready to start the next phase of their life. Never quit, never give up...you know how to win, you don't like to lose...Go give it your all. While her message was very different than "Run your Own Race" it spoke to the vibes of this high school crowd. What is your vibe today? Are you here to run your own race, or are you upping the game today and here to win?