Recently my husband was speaking with a colleague of his. His colleague's wife works for a major airline and recently took on a new job role there. She is now working in the division that tries to thwart human trafficking. He shared with my husband how she was telling him how challenging it is to spot children who are being trafficked. The horrors that most of us cannot even comprehend, is what she faces on a daily basis. She said that anymore it is very difficult to spot young children being trafficked because they are being sold by their own parents. Sometimes their parents accompany them; sometimes it's an aunt or uncle. The common theme is that the children don't even know that they have been sold into this sex trafficking ring. They are told they are going on vacation and, as such, are happy and excited on the plane. Furthermore they know and trust the people they are traveling with and have no idea that they have been sold. This is why, for the month of August, we will be raising money for the International Justice Mission, as they are working diligently to rescue and restore the lives of these precious children.
If you would like more information about the International Justice Mission, please check them out at